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Topic: Use of Force

Tracking Police Misconduct: How Prosecutors Can Fulfill Their Ethical Obligations and Hold the Police Accountable

Traditionally, prosecutors do not use a centralized mechanism to track police misconduct. Instead, line prosecutors primarily share information with each...

To Protect and Observe: A History

Today’s viral videos of police abuse have a long political lineage. But what if one of the oldest tools of...

Cops Don’t Stop Violence: Combating Narratives Used to Defend Police Instead of Defunding Them

Police are facing one of the greatest crises of legitimacy in a generation. In the wake of the largest uprisings...

Abolition Week

As the national media is shifting its attention away from demands to restructure, defund, and abolish the police, Scalawag's Abolition...

The Collective Freedom Project

The Collective Freedom Project is a website and digital space made to uplift the work of advocates across the country...

Police in Schools: Racial Justice and True Student Safety?

The question of whether police belong in schools has been a long-debated topic in the United States. With the increased...

From public safety to public health: Re-envisioning the goals and methods of policing

As the nation grapples with defining the proper roles and limits of police generally, and particularly in Black, Brown, and...

The Shot-in-the-Eye Squad

As Black Lives Matter protests swept the nation, the rubber bullets and tear gas canisters started to fly. This epidemic...

National Attitudes on Public Safety

In the wake of the recent conviction of Derek Chauvin and the police killing of Daunte Wright, a new nationwide...