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Topic: Use of Force

Reports – Campaign Zero

Collection of reports that provide information about existing policies in U.S. cities and the areas where new policies are needed...

Statistics – Campaign Zero

A resource that details strategies for ending policing violence....

Values, Leadership, and Sustainability: Institutionalizing Community-Centered Policing

A report detailing strategies to institutionalize community-centered policing as a framework for reform....

Turning Back the Tide: Promising Efforts to Demilitarize Police Departments

A report with policy recommendations surrounding demilitarizing police departments and community-centered training as a framework for reform....

Limiting Use of Force: Promising Community-Centered Strategies

A report with policy recommendations on ways to limit the use of force by police, including the demilitarization of the...

Community-Centered Policing: A Force for Change 

A report advancing community-centered policing as a framework for reform....

The New Racially Restrictive Covenant: Race, Welfare, and the Policing of Black Women in Subsidized Housing

A report that examines the role of police officers and the race, gender, and class dynamics that make Black women...

Stonewalled: Police Abuse and Misconduct Against Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender People in the US

This report documents the police abuse and misconduct against LGBTQ people in the US, including issues of profiling, sexual/physical/verbal abuse,...

Queer (In)Justice: The Criminalization of LGBT People in the United States

A summary and continuing discussion of Andrea Ritchie's book by the same name, this focuses on the unique criminalization of...