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Topic: Use of Force

Let the Sunshine In: Illuminating the Powerful Role Police Unions Play in Shielding Officer Misconduct

In recent years, videos capturing the fatal shootings of unarmed men of color by police officers have swept media outlets...

Is Police Misconduct a Secret in Your State?

If a police officer in your community has a history of misconduct, can you find out about it? It depends...

Fighting Police Abuse: A Community Action Manual

A toolkit that discusses the issue of police abuse and misconduct while also highlighting different community goals around police accountability,...

Across the US, police contracts shield officers from scrutiny and discipline

Reuters examined police union contracts across the country and found a pattern of protections afforded officers: Many contracts erase disciplinary...

National Decertification Index (NDI)

The purpose of the National Decertification Index (NDI) is to serve as a national registry of certificate or license revocation...

Revocation of Police Officer Certification: A Viable Remedy for Police Misconduct?

A report that describes the statutes and regulations in 44 states that license and revoke licenses of law enforcement officers...

Native Lives Matter

In response to the discussion surrounding police violence against marginalized communities in the United States, Lakota People's Law Project (LPLP)...

Female police officers’ on-the-job experiences diverge from those of male officers

In recent decades, women have accounted for a growing share of America’s police officers, but this growth has been relatively...

Catalyst Brief: What would it take to overcome the damaging effects of structural racism and ensure a more equitable future?

For most of its history, the United States excluded people of color from its main pathways of opportunity and upward...