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Topic: Use of Force

Centering Black Women, Girls, Gender Nonconforming People and Fem(me)s in Campaigns for Expanded Sanctuary and Freedom Cities

A policy brief written by Andrea J. Ritchie and Monique W. Morris, Ed.D., that highlights the need to provide sanctuary...

Policing Timeline

An historical overview of policing that traces the evolution of policing in the US, and people's resistance to it. The...

Criminalizing Trans Lives

Perhaps no group is more vulnerable to violence in our society than trans people, especially Black and Latino trans people....

Pushing for Police Accountability in Sacramento

In March 2018, police in Sacramento, California killed Stephon Clark, an unarmed 22-year-old, in his grandparents’ backyard. A year later,...

Oakland Should Lead the Way: Proposal for Effective Police Oversight

In listening to families impacted by police violence and engaging in exhaustive literature, study, legal research and lived experience of...

Get Yr Rights: A Toolkit for LGBTQTS Youth, And LGBTQTS Youth-Serving Organizations

A toolkit created by BreakOUT! and Streetwise and Safe (SAS). This toolkit is meant to serve as a...

Briefing Guide: Color of Change v. FBI & DHS

A briefing guide that highlights several key documents that have been turned over so far in CCR, Color of Change,...

First Responders Training Guide

"Developed by APTP’s First Responders Committee, this Guide describes our model for supporting families impacted by various forms of police...

The Ruderman White Paper on Media Coverage of Law Enforcement Use of Force and Disability

This white paper focuses on the three years of media coverage of police violence and disability since the death of...