Internal NYPD documents shed new light on the Strategic Response Group, or SRG, the heavily militarized police unit behind the...
May 25, 2020 was a both a personal tragedy for the Floyd family and a community tragedy. But it was...
Police Paliques is a periodic series with which we provide citizens with a brief, accessible and rigorous analysis of a...
YouTube has partnered with AAPF and Executive Director Kimberlé Crenshaw to elevate the stories of Black women, girls, and femmes...
The Full Disclosure Project aims to disrupt the culture of secrecy that systematically and pervasively shields law enforcement misconduct by...
For decades, New Orleans has disinvested in social services, often leaving us ranked last in indicators of health, wealth, housing,...
This research brief reviews existing empirical research on the impacts of decriminalization — and conversely criminalization — of sex work...
The Oakland Reimagining Public Safety Task Force was created in direct response to significant local demand to redirect monies from...
The Abolitionist Law Center has published a report on policing in Pittsburgh, highlighting glaring racial disparities in traffic stops, frisks,...
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