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Topic: Training/Hiring/Diversity

Police Fired/Rehired

Since 2006, the nation’s largest police departments have fired at least 1,881 officers for misconduct that betrayed the public’s trust,...

Not Trained to Not Kill

Most states neglect ordering police to learn de-escalation tactics to avoid shootings. In 34 states, training decisions are left to...

What Cops Aren’t Learning

Some police departments are embracing tactics designed to reduce the use of force – and prevent shootings. Rather than rushing...

National Police Funding Database – Using Data to Promote Fair & Accountable Policing Practices

This is a first-of-its-kind portal that augments the work of the Policing Reform Campaign and provides publicly available data on...

Reform/Transform: An Investigation of Policing in 12 Cities

Over the course of 2019, Local Progress engaged local elected officials and community leaders in a range of communities to...

Road Runners: The Role and Impact of Law Enforcement in Transporting Individuals with Severe Mental Illness

Although members of law enforcement do not serve as treatment providers for any other illness, they have become “road runners,”...

Deadly Exchange: The Dangerous Consequences of US-Israel Law Enforcement Exchanges

This report comprehensively documents how US-Israel law enforcement trainings solidify partnerships between the U.S. and Israeli governments to exchange methods...

Police & Harm Reduction

This document highlights important recommendations and examples and is based on the experiences of law enforcement officers who have benefited...

Building Care: Portland Communities Respond to the Violence of Policing

A report that surveyed 12 local community organizations in Portland, Oregon about the harms of policing and their visions for...