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Topic: Militarization

Deadly Force & Police Accountability

Amnesty USA report on Deadly Force and Police Accountability in the US. The report roots police use of lethal force...

Tools & Resources – Center for Constitutional Rights

Tools & Resources for individuals interested in organizing and resistance. Issue areas include racial injustice, discriminatory policing, government surveillance, mass...

Resistance Manual

Resources and tools that people can use to organize, resist, and advocate for change....


Policy recommendations advancing an invest / divest model of investment in Black communities and divestment from exploitative forces....

A Vision for Black Lives: Policy Demands for Black Power, Freedom, and Justice

A policy platform by the Movement for Black Lives that includes recommendations surrounding policing and the criminal justice system....


Policy recommendations on demilitarizing police departments....

Limit Use of Force 

Policy recommendations for limiting police use of force....

Policy Solutions Overview

An overview of Campaign Zero’s policy recommendations for ending police violence....

Turning Back the Tide: Promising Efforts to Demilitarize Police Departments

A report with policy recommendations surrounding demilitarizing police departments and community-centered training as a framework for reform....