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Topic: Data Collection/Reporting

Guiding Principles on Use of Force

This report represents the culmination of 18 months of research, field work, and national discussions on police use of force,...

Police Datasets

The Police Data Initiative (PDI) represents the great work and leadership of more than 130 law enforcement agencies who have...

The President’s Role in Advancing Criminal Justice Reform

A report with commentary by Barack Obama that gives an overview of the criminal justice landscape and need for reform,...

Using Eyewitness Video as a Source of Data About Police Abuse: Profiling the Police – Sunset Park, Brooklyn

WITNESS and El Grito de Sunset Park partnered to collect, analyze and preserve over a decade of eyewitness videos of...

Reform/Transform Toolkit on Police Policies and Practices

A toolkit that addresses the various harmful policies of criminal justice and law enforcement to aid the work of local...

Police Misconduct in Chicago

A report on the history and efforts by the Invisible Institute to gain access to internal police files, an important...

Citizen’s Police Data Project – Chicago

A resource that collects and publishes information about police misconduct in Chicago....

Body-Worn Camera Toolkit

This toolkit consolidates and translates the developing body of knowledge on body-worn cameras (BWCs) for law enforcement, criminal justice professionals,...

The Force Report

Comprehensive data on use of force by department and officer in all of New Jersey Police departments....