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Topic: Data Collection/Reporting

Joint Report: Analysis of APD Racial Profiling Data (Austin, TX)

The Office of Police Oversight, Office of Innovation, and the Equity Office engaged in data analysis to understand how various...

Decriminalizing Survival: Policy Platform and Polling on the Decriminalization of Sex Work

This report briefly contextualizes the issue of decriminalizing sex work, discusses how this is a part of effective anti-trafficking policy,...

Tracked and Targeted: Early Findings On Chicago’s Gang Database (2018)

This preliminary report summarizes what the Policing in Chicago Research Group has been able to discover, as well as what...

Expansive and Focused Surveillance: New Findings on Chicago’s Gang Database (2018)

Building on previous research into the Chicago Police Department's (CPD) gang database, this report analyzes new statistics focused on the...

Accountability After Abolition: The Regional Gang Intelligence Database

In response to community demands for public accountability and for a responsible process of abolition that provides restitution to people...

Regional Gang Intelligence Database – Chicago

This memo provides a review of the Cook County Sheriff's Office's (CCSO) Regional Gang Intelligence Database (RGID), which was decommissioned...

Everything You Need to Know About SB 1421 and AB 748 – California

California's passage into law of Senate Bill 1421 allows for the public disclosure of investigations into police officers for misconduct...

Maze of Injustice: The Failure to Protect Indigenous Women From Sexual Violence in the USA

For Native women, calling on law enforcement for protection from violence is often not seen as an option due to...

Advisory Concerning the Chicago Police Department’s Predictive Risk Models

Chicago has shut down the use of predictive policing models known as the Strategic Subject List (SSL) and Crime and...