With the rise of violent crime in the 1990s the New York City Police Department (NYPD) turned to proactive policing...
Given the profound distrust between Portlanders and their police department and the struggles that Portland has had with historical police...
Through the last year and a half, MuckRock and Lucy Parsons Lab have used FOIA to investigate the use of...
MTA representatives often claim the “problem” of fare evasion can be policed away. No credible evidence supports this narrative. This...
Researchers reevaluate the claim from Bor et al. (2018) that “police killings of unarmed Black Americans have effects on mental...
In this report, researchers examined data on police killings with individual-level data to estimate the impact of police killings of...
This report presents the results of a landmark research study that examined depictions of the criminal justice system - as...
The Office of Police Oversight, Office of Innovation, and the Equity Office engaged in data analysis to understand how various...
This report briefly contextualizes the issue of decriminalizing sex work, discusses how this is a part of effective anti-trafficking policy,...
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