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Topic: Data Collection/Reporting

Up-to-Date US Prison and Jail Population

This is a database of population information for US jails and prisons, as well as reported cases of COVID-19 within...

CopWatch During the COVID-19 Pandemic

COVID-19 has created new conditions for police violence against low-income communities of color that will impact those who are most...

Tracking Enforcement Measures for Violation of Stay-at-Home Orders

Many jurisdictions across the United States have issued COVID-19-related stay-at-home directives that include a variety of enforcement measures, from warnings...

Eviction Map & Data

The Eviction Lab at Princeton University has built the first nationwide database of evictions. Find out how many evictions happen...

Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic – Updates & Resources

PPI is tracking examples of state and local agencies taking meaningful steps to slow the spread of COVID-19. (So far,...

Preserving Punishment Power: A Grassroots Abolitionist Assessment of New York Reforms

This is an analysis of criminal punishment system reforms passed in New York in 2019. The public health crisis of...

Response to COVID-19 by Criminal Justice Systems

Jurisdictions across the country are working diligently to address the complications of the coronavirus on their criminal justice systems. To...

The Coronavirus Response: Spotlight on State & Local Governments

During the COVID-19 pandemic, local and state governments are key actors in protecting the United States’s most vulnerable residents. They...

Alabama’s War on Marijuana: Assessing the Fiscal and Human Toll of Criminalization

Police in Alabama made 2,351 arrests for marijuana possession in 2016. This study analyzed demographic data about the people arrested,...