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Topic: Data Collection/Reporting

#BosCops Toolkit – Boston Residents Organizing to Challenge the Power of the Police!

This is a living toolkit of information on police reform, surveillance, immigration and policing, racial profiling, community oversight, and more...

Beware: Bluetooth Ahead – The Civil Rights & Privacy Dangers of Deploying Bluetooth to Track COVID-19 Exposure

In the fight against COVID-19, one of our most powerful weapons is manual contact-tracing, the time-consuming process of interviewing patients...

Excluded in the Epicenter: Impacts of the COVID Crisis on Working Class Immigrant, Black, and Brown New Yorkers

This report examines in detail the experience of working-class immigrant, Black and Brown New Yorkers during this crisis. Based on...

Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women Resource Guide

Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women (MMIW) is a recent movement to bring recognition to the disappearance and murders of Native...

Surveillance During COVID-19: Five Ways Governments and Companies Are Using the Health Crisis to Expand Surveillance

Every day, new policies stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic are making it far easier for government and private companies to...

Privacy Audit & Assessment of ShotSpotter, Inc.’s Gunshot Detection Technology

In response to concerns over the potential privacy implications of its gunshot detection technology, ShotSpotter Technologies, Inc. (SST) approached the...

The COVID-19 Community Vulnerability Index (CCVI)

Every community in the US will be affected by COVID-19 – but the impacts will not be the same in...

Up-to-Date US Prison and Jail Population

This is a database of population information for US jails and prisons, as well as reported cases of COVID-19 within...

CopWatch During the COVID-19 Pandemic

COVID-19 has created new conditions for police violence against low-income communities of color that will impact those who are most...