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Topic: Data Collection/Reporting

Atlas of Surveillance: Documenting Police Tech in Our Communities

A database containing several thousand data points on over 3,000 city and local police departments and sheriffs' offices nationwide, allows...

Invest/Divest Louisville

This kit is designed to consolidate the information regarding Invest Divest strategy and resources for Louisville, Kentucky. This kit is...

#SayHerName Chime Special

Historically, Black women, girls, and femmes have not fit the most accessible frames of anti-Black police violence. Consequently, it is...

How To Take Back the Budget: A Guide To Reviewing and Changing the Police Budget In Your Community

This comprehensive guide to reviewing your city or county budget will explain how to argue for changes in police staffing...

How Governments Pay: Lawsuits, Budgets, and Police Reform

A report that looks into who foots the bill for law enforcement settlements and judgments in locations around the US....

Not Just “A Few Bad Apples”: US Police Kill Civilians at Much Higher Rates Than Other Countries

There is no question that the number of police killings of civilians in the U.S. – who are disproportionately Black...

Nix the Six – Police Unions

Across the country, police unions have written contracts and laws that make it almost impossible to hold police accountable. We...

Police Use of Force Project

Campaign Zero reviewed the use of force policies of America's 100 largest city police departments to determine whether they include...

Austin’s Big Secret: How Big Tech and Surveillance Are Increasing Policing

A report from Grassroots Leadership, Just Futures Law, and Mijente that documents the rise of surveillance technology use in Austin,...