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Topic: Data Collection/Reporting

Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement: Report on the State of the Field and Effective Oversight Practices

In 2016, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office) awarded a Community Policing...

Abolition Week

As the national media is shifting its attention away from demands to restructure, defund, and abolish the police, Scalawag's Abolition...

Police in Schools: Racial Justice and True Student Safety?

The question of whether police belong in schools has been a long-debated topic in the United States. With the increased...

More of the Same: Unpacking the 2022 Boston Police Budget

In May 2021, Boston’s Acting Mayor Kim Janey released her recommended City budget for the upcoming 2022 fiscal year (FY)....

Reducing Violence Without Police: A Review of Research Evidence

Researchers have conducted hundreds of studies looking for effective ways to prevent and reduce violence, but the knowledge base is...

From public safety to public health: Re-envisioning the goals and methods of policing

As the nation grapples with defining the proper roles and limits of police generally, and particularly in Black, Brown, and...

National Attitudes on Public Safety

In the wake of the recent conviction of Derek Chauvin and the police killing of Daunte Wright, a new nationwide...

Nationwide Police Scorecard

The Police Scorecard is the first nationwide public evaluation of policing in the United States. The Scorecard calculates levels of...

21st Century Policing: The Rise and Reach of Surveillance Technology

Sitting at the intersection of criminalization and capitalism, the use of emerging surveillance technology has become increasingly popular among police...