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Topic: Community Engagement

How Criminalized Survivors Seek Healing and Safety: A Study by Survivors of State and Interpersonal Violence

Safe Haven: A Toolkit for Mental Health Survivor Justice, and Alternatives to Policing

So You Wanna Be A Cop? (Seattle, Washington)

This text is adapted from “So You Wanna Be a Cop?”, a pamphlet published by the War Resisters League. Would...

So You Wanna Be A Cop?

Building on decades of counter-military recruitment activism and resource-making, WRL presents this ground-breaking counter-police recruitment resource. Similar to military recruiter...

An Annotated Version of the Indictment Filed Against #StopCopCity Organizers

An annotated version of the indictment filed against #StopCopCity organizers, featuring critical information and context, questions for discussion, ways to...