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Topic: Alternatives to Arrests

Defund + Demilitarize NOPD (New Orleans)

For decades, New Orleans has disinvested in social services, often leaving us ranked last in indicators of health, wealth, housing,...

Is Sex Work Decriminalization the Answer? What the Research Tells Us

This research brief reviews existing empirical research on the impacts of decriminalization — and conversely criminalization — of sex work...

A Budget to #ReimagineChicago for 2020 and Beyond

For the past decade, Chicago has displaced and over-policed Black and Brown families, and starved the city’s working people of...

Reimagine Public Budgets

Dare to Reimagine: A Vision for Transformative Change is a framework for building a just and equitable future from the...

Oakland is Reimagining Public Safety: The Defund Police Coalition Report in Response to the Reimagining Public Safety Task Force Draft Recommendations

The Oakland Reimagining Public Safety Task Force was created in direct response to significant local demand to redirect monies from...

Apartheid Policing in Pittsburgh: Why Defunding the Police Can’t Wait

The Abolitionist Law Center has published a report on policing in Pittsburgh, highlighting glaring racial disparities in traffic stops, frisks,...

Investing in Safety We Can Feel: Survey Results (Philadelphia)

The Investing in Safety We Can Feel survey was released in October 2020 to help answer the question: "what do...

Uprooting the Drug War – Resources

A collection of six reports that explain how the drug war has taken root in different systems: Education, Employment, Housing,...

Austin Justice Coalition Toolkit

This toolkit is an introduction to AJC’s vision and strategy for social change. From grassroots organizing to legislative policy work,...