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Topic: Alternatives to Arrests

Getting Cops Off Your Campus

A collection of resources about campus policing and ways to get cops off campus....

Defund the Police? An Abolition Curriculum

Mennonite Church USA (MC USA) received requests across the denomination to provide an Anabaptist grounded resource for clergy and congregations...

Defund CPD Community Conversation Toolkit

The intent of this toolkit is to further the movement to #DefundCPD, and the larger movement to abolish all forms...

The People’s Plan (NY)

The People’s Plan is a set of public safety recommendations developed by three community-led coalitions (LI United to Transform Policing...

What Happens After We Defund Police? A Brief Exploration of Alternatives to Law Enforcement

A brief that addresses the question: what happens after we defund police? The brief puts forth a framework for the...

Call On Me, Not the Cops

18 Million Rising knows that some of our family members and loved ones may not understand why we must stop...

Transformative Justice: A Curriculum Guide

A guide to discussing transformative justice with youth, neighbors, colleagues, and friends. A good resource for educators to use with...

One Million Experiments

Explore snapshots of community-based safety strategies that expand our ideas about what keeps us safe. One Million Experiments is a...

The Abolitionist Library

An extensive collection of articles, books, podcast, and other resources on abolition....