This toolkit is intended to help activists, organizations, and communities identify and act on solutions to change policing for the...
This report was developed to give individuals, communities, activists, advocacy organizations, law makers, and police departments the knowledge to co-produce...
A report analyzing a federal survey with findings on the amount of people arrested and jailed each year and the...
There is a pressing need for data-informed strategies to identify 911 calls that present a true public safety emergency and...
Ending mass incarceration and repairing its extensive collateral consequences must begin by focusing on the front end of the system:...
In order to reduce our reliance on the criminal justice system, we need to invest in building stronger communities capable...
"Healing Justice is a framework that identifies how we can holistically respond to and intervene on intergenerational trauma and violence,...
The Freedom Papers is a vision for a future that is able to serve the everyday needs of its people....
Communities in metropolitan areas across the United States are facing a mix of three problems: concentrated poverty; high levels of...
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