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Topic: Alternatives to Arrests

Mutual Aid Justice: Beyond Survival

What does it look like in the Justice sphere? If you don’t want to call the cops, what else can...

Divest/Invest: From Criminalization to Thriving Communities

Funders for Justice created this website for funders because we believe that our collective investments in housing, education, health, transportation,...

Free Them All for Public Health – Statement of Principles & Demands

The global spread of COVID-19 has highlighted a longstanding public health emergency. Due to the lack of a public health...

We Can’t Police Our Way Out of the Pandemic – Webinar & Discussion Document

This is a living collection of mostly Canada-centric information and resources on the criminalization of COVID-19 responses, with other examples...

The Strategy of Mutual Aid

The purpose of this webinar is to share the importance of Mutual Aid as a strategic response to the COVID-19...

What To Do Instead of Calling the Police: A Guide, A Syllabus, A Conversation, A Process

A resource and guide that offers alternatives to policing....

Confidence, Courage, Connection, Trust: A Proposal For a Robust Security Culture

A report that describes and argues for a new approach to security culture within broad social movements....

Let’s Demystify: Crisis Intervention Team

A concise visual and written resource that explains and evaluates Crisis Intervention Teams (CIT), which is the most common type...