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To support and help strengthen the work of advocates and organizers, the Hub is committed to providing and uplifting up-to-date research, reports, data, model policies, toolkits and other resources. We do this by searching for, categorizing, and making available existing resources from partner organizations and others working on issues related to policing. When needed, the Hub also produces its own research in collaboration with partners. This resource database is categorized, easy to search, and regularly updated by our research team.

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Resources that appear on the Community Resource Hub website are not necessarily supported or endorsed by the Hub. The resources that appear represent various different policies, toolkits, and data that have been presented to challenge issues relevant to safety, policing, and accountability.

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Showing 810 Resources

Chicago Police Torture Archive

Invisible Institute

A human rights documentation of Commander Jon Burge’s violence against more than 100 Black people, from the 1970s-1990s. The centerpiece of the site is profiles of police torture survivors, most of whom were represented by the People’s Law Office, which donated its case files to this project.

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FOP Fact Sheet & FAQ

Concerned Residents of Norman, OK

A collection of information and answers to frequently asked questions related to the Fraternal Order of Police in the US and in Norman, Oklahoma.

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For a Fair Police Contract That Serves the Public

Portland Copwatch

Beginning in 2021, the City of Portland will start its next round of negotiations with the Portland P olice Association over the labor contract covering sworn police officers. Amid a historic uprising against police brutality in the streets of Portland and across the country, we, the undersigned, call upon the City to keep the needs of grassroots Portlanders at the center of the bargaining process. As outlined in the demands, the current City contract and side agreements with the PPA contain barriers to effective oversight of policing, and make it virtually impossible to fire officers for using excessive force or engaging in biased policing. While strengthening the City’s contract with the PPA won’t fix every issue in policing in Portland, it is an important part of the broader fight to hold police accountable for the harms they cause our communities.

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CCTV surveillance in the most populated cities in the United States


From monitoring traffic to preventing crime, closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras have a range of purposes. But with increasingly-high resolutions, more remote access to live video streams, and the utilization of technologies like facial recognition and Ring doorbell cameras – just how much is too much when it comes to police surveillance? This resource collected data about some of the most surveilled cities in the United States, correlations between increased surveillance cameras and reduction in crime, and further areas of concern.

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Where (To Learn): Resource Hubs to Ponder Questions You Didn’t Even Know You Had

Collective Community Care

A collection of common questions related to abolition, policing, and incarceration and links to find resources for further education and organizing.

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Accessible Webinars Database

Sick of It! A Disability Inside/Outside Project

A collection of disability justice webinars that intersect with abolition, incarceration, policing, and more. This list includes notes on accessibility (e.g., ASL, captioning, passwords, etc.).

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The Activist Files Episode 34 – Criminalizing Black Protest: When We Resist

Center for Constitutional Rights

Throughout its history, law enforcement has deemed Black activism as a national security threat. Law enforcement has used its powers to chill the speech and movements of Black activists and activism that’s done on behalf of issues that impact Black communities. In Criminalizing Black protest: When we resist, the 34th episode of “The Activist Files,” two activists working to bring attention to the environmental racism in St. James Parish, Louisiana, which is a historic Black community under threat of destruction by Formosa Plastics, share their stories of how police criminalized their activism.

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Compassionate Alternate Response Team: A Community Plan for San Francisco

Compassionate Alternative Response Team (CART) San Francisco

This project asks what kind of City would be possible if unhoused neighbors were treated as worthy of life and dignity rather than as a nuisance or a threat, and if trauma-informed, unarmed civilians had been called to help rather than control. Many of us who have worked on this effort have personally witnessed and experienced the cruelty of the current system. Whether that be the tears of losing one’s property, the trauma of displacement to nowhere, or the loss of life-saving medications, these practices have led to deaths on the streets from despair, and disconnection from key medical and housing services. Compassionate Alternative Response Team (CART) imagines that it would be a safer, healthier, and more vital city for the Black and Brown people who live and spend time here, and ultimately for everyone.

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Episode 270 – Angela Davis

AirGo Podcast

In this episode, Angela Davis discusses her experience this summer during uprising, the remarkable popularization of abolition, the significance of addressing gender violence and inequality in the fight for liberation, and much much more.

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