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To support and help strengthen the work of advocates and organizers, the Hub is committed to providing and uplifting up-to-date research, reports, data, model policies, toolkits and other resources. We do this by searching for, categorizing, and making available existing resources from partner organizations and others working on issues related to policing. When needed, the Hub also produces its own research in collaboration with partners. This resource database is categorized, easy to search, and regularly updated by our research team.

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Resources that appear on the Community Resource Hub website are not necessarily supported or endorsed by the Hub. The resources that appear represent various different policies, toolkits, and data that have been presented to challenge issues relevant to safety, policing, and accountability.

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Showing 810 Resources

Report on Chicago’s Response to George Floyd Protests and Unrest

Chicago Office of Inspector General (OIG)

This report is an in-depth review of the period of May 29 through June 7, both chronologically and analytically. The report aims to present, to the extent possible based on the information and material available, a comprehensive account of the facts, including how involved parties––members of the public, CPD’s rank-and-file, and CPD’s command staff, among others––experienced the protests and unrest. This report provides an in-depth public narrative of and accounting for CPD and the City of Chicago’s response to the protests and unrest in late May and early June of 2020. In doing so, this report presents findings on operational failures and shortcomings during the response, which have broad implications for CPD’s policies and practices going forward.

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We Reviewed Police Tactics Seen in Nearly 400 Protest Videos. Here’s What We Found.


ProPublica looked at nearly 400 social media posts showing police responses to protesters and found troubling conduct by officers in at least 184 of them. In 59 videos, pepper spray and tear gas were used improperly; in a dozen others, officers used batons to strike noncombative demonstrators; and in 87 videos, officers punched, pushed and kicked retreating protesters, including a few instances in which they used an arm or knee to exert pressure on a protester’s neck.

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Uprooting the Drug War – Resources

Drug Policy Alliance

A collection of six reports that explain how the drug war has taken root in different systems: Education, Employment, Housing, Child Welfare, Immigration, and Public Benefits. You can view the snapshots for a national-level overview and use the advocacy assessment tools to evaluate drug war policies and practices in your community.

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The Police Union Playbook

Color of Change

Police unions do more than bargain for wages and benefits. They perpetuate harm, protect violent police officers, and create barriers to officer accountability and policy change. This site exposes their playbook. From contributions to politicians, to contracts and copaganda, police unions use predictable and toxic tactics to skirt accountability for officers and block efforts towards reform. Together we can call them out on these tactics and take action to diminish the power of police unions.

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No More Cop Money: Get Police Money Out of Politics


NoMoreCopMoney is a national database that documents campaign funds current state and local politicians accepted from law enforcement-affiliated PACs since 2015. We provide contact information to make it easy to ask your representatives to donate these campaign funds and to pledge to refuse them in the future. Our goal is to decrease the influence of law enforcement in our government.

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LMPD Gun Violence

Root Cause Research Center

This interactive mapping project spatially represents where incidents of LMPD gun violence has occurred across the City of Louisville and illuminates patterns of this particular form of police violence through an anti-oppression lens.

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Austin Justice Coalition Toolkit

Austin Justice Coalition

This toolkit is an introduction to AJC’s vision and strategy for social change. From grassroots organizing to legislative policy work, here is a snapshot of how we take on the big problems.

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Punishing the Poorest: How the Criminalization of Homelessness Perpetuates Poverty in San Francisco

Coalition on Homelessness – San Francisco

This 2015 report details the effects of criminalization on the homeless residents of San Francisco. Since 1981, San Francisco has passed more local measures to criminalize sleeping, sitting, or panhandling in public spaces than any other city in the state of California. During this same period, the United States has experienced the greatest expansion of its jail and prison system under any democracy in history. This expansion has primarily affected the poorest members of this society. This report documents and analyzes the impacts of the rising tide of anti-homeless laws in our era of mass incarceration on those experiencing homelessness in San Francisco.

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Building the World We Want: A Roadmap to Police-Free Futures in Canada

Robyn Maynard

This document is a community resource for anyone interested in learning about the growing movement to end policing in Canada. It has two roles: one is to explain some of main strategies toward defunding the police and building police-free futures. The other is to map out the growing cross-country movement and to link to ongoing local organizing.

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