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To support and help strengthen the work of advocates and organizers, the Hub is committed to providing and uplifting up-to-date research, reports, data, model policies, toolkits and other resources. We do this by searching for, categorizing, and making available existing resources from partner organizations and others working on issues related to policing. When needed, the Hub also produces its own research in collaboration with partners. This resource database is categorized, easy to search, and regularly updated by our research team.

If you would like to suggest a resource to be included in our database, please submit it here.

Resources that appear on the Community Resource Hub website are not necessarily supported or endorsed by the Hub. The resources that appear represent various different policies, toolkits, and data that have been presented to challenge issues relevant to safety, policing, and accountability.

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Showing 810 Resources

Two Sides of Justice: Curriculum & Audio Stories

Project NIA

Two Sides of Justice is a collection of narratives from system survivors. The criminal justice system has altered the lives of the people whose stories you are about to hear, sometimes for the better but more often for the worse. This curriculum resource was created by educator & long-time Project NIA volunteer Santera Matthews for educators and organizers who would like to use the stories to start or extend discussions about harm, violence and criminalization in their communities. This work is part of the Building Accountable Communities Project (BAC) spearheaded by Project NIA. The curriculum was designed by Rachel Hoffman.

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Paliques Policiales

Kilometro 0

Police Paliques is a periodic series with which we provide citizens with a brief, accessible and rigorous analysis of a single, very specific aspect of police violence. The first Palique is about the intimidation practice that the Puerto Rico Police has used by using an excessive number of agents to intervene with individuals during curfew interventions in the COVID-19 pandemic. The analysis arises from the data collected in our ‘Evidence of Violence’ project, which documents, accounts and denounces violent, excessive or discriminatory interventions by the Puerto Rico Police, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the curfew that has already been extended for 7 months. The second one is about the use of threats to intervene with citizens during the pandemic and the third one is about the Police Bureau’s use of the category “passion crime” to report domestic violence crimes.

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#SayHerName YouTube Playlist

African American Policy Forum

YouTube has partnered with AAPF and Executive Director Kimberlé Crenshaw to elevate the stories of Black women, girls, and femmes who have been stolen by state-sanctioned violence and racial injustice. Know their names. Hear their stories. We stand in solidarity against violence toward Black women and girls.

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One Million Experiments

Project Nia & Interrupting Criminalization

Explore snapshots of community-based safety strategies that expand our ideas about what keeps us safe. One Million Experiments is a place to browse community-based safety projects for inspiration, a newsletter featuring zines that highlight the nuts and bolts of particular projects, and an opportunity to share your projects. Tag projects using #1MExperiments.

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The Full Disclosure Project

National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers

The Full Disclosure Project aims to disrupt the culture of secrecy that systematically and pervasively shields law enforcement misconduct by changing police secrecy laws and empowering the defense community to track police misconduct.

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The Abolitionist Map

The Digital Abolitionist

Looking for opportunities to join abolitionist groups in your community? Explore our Abolitionist Map to find organizing hubs where you live!

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The Abolitionist Library

The Digital Abolitionist

An extensive collection of articles, books, podcast, and other resources on abolition.

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Before the Bullet Hits the Body: Dismantling Predictive Policing in Los Angeles

Stop LAPD Spying Coalition

This 2018 report does not take a top-down policy reform or recommendation approach, nor does the report seek more “transparency” and “oversight” of policing, an institution that remains inherently violent and flawed by design. Instead this report, rooted in the community and our fight for abolition of policing, takes us on a journey exposing the multiple tentacles of state violence including – the creation of the “other,” knowledge production and the deep complicity of academia, corporate profit, and the deadly impact and trauma of programs such as Predictive Policing on our communities.

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Defund + Demilitarize NOPD (New Orleans)

Orleans Parish Prison Reform Coalition

For decades, New Orleans has disinvested in social services, often leaving us ranked last in indicators of health, wealth, housing, and education. In the wake of national Black Lives Matter protests and the COVID-19 pandemic, OPPRC mobilized community members to defund the New Orleans Police Department (NOPD) and reinvest in the community. This resource lists accomplishments and further resources related to this work.

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